Boyss - Stay Positive
Album/V.A.: Cycles (Ten Years of Electronomicon) Vol II Track nmbr: 7 Released by: E-Con / Polyglot Record Release date: November 11, 2021. |
Boyss - Rain Drops
Album/V.A.: The Unusual Suspects #1 Track nmbr: 2 Released by: Montfort Records Release date: July 30, 2018 |
Boyss - Stay Positive
Album/V.A.: Proverbial 11 v5 Track nmbr: 25 Release date: February 10, 2018 Free download of the album (or pay what you want, 100% goes to charity) |
Boyss ft Tantrick Ape - 26 Lessons [single]
26 Lessons single done in a collaboration with Tantrick Ape (on vocals). Whats interesting about this sounds/release is that most sounds were made out of vocals (with exception of kick,snare & HH). Album download contains a bonus track, the instrumental version. You can find the more normal version of the track here (lyrics slightly different): Tantrick Ape - Attention Defeceit Order Release date: December 15, 2017 Free download of the album (or pay what you want) |
The Smoking POTS! - Stop (Boyss Remix)
Track nmbr: 2 The Smoking POTS! - Stop (Boyss Shortened Instrumental Remix) Track nmbr: 6 Album/V.A.: Thanks for the Thunks (Remixes) by The Smoking POTS! Release date: May 19, 2017 Free download of the album (or pay what you want) |
The Imaginary Police Are Listening (Boyss Remix)
Album/V.A.: The Imaginary Police are Listening by Jesse Savka Track nmbr: 9 Release date: August 5, 2016 Free download of the album (or pay what you want) |
Rootwork Compilation Vol. 4 Track nmbr: 7 Release date: July 31, 2016 Free download of the album |
Elektro Villain: Volume 002 Track nmbr: 21 Release date: November 14, 2014. Free download of the album |
Boyss - In The Dark Of The Underground
Album/V.A.: MontfortR6 - The 100th release Released by: Montfort records Track nmbr: 02 Release/catalogue number: Mont100 Release date: January 18, 2014 Free download of the album (link probably not working) |
the Remix playlist by Boyss
(Compilation of remixes done by Boyss) Release date: November 17, 2013 |
Album/V.A.: Rootwork Compilation Vol. 3
Track nmbr: 13 Release date: November 24, 2013 Free download of the album |
Album/V.A.: Rootwork Compilation Vol. 2
Track nmbr: 17 Release date: October 27, 2013 Free download of the album |
Драка за корм (Boyss Instrumental Remix)
Album: remix V.A.: Bad Gibbonz - Draka Za Korm Remixes Track nmbr: 05 Released by: Subwise Release/catalogue number: SBWS154 Release date: April 22, 2013 Free download of the album |
The Promise (Boyss Remix)
Track nmbr: 02 Album: remix V.A.: The Promise by Angel of Violence Released by: CRL Studios Release date: January 15, 2013 Free download of the album |
Boyss - Missing You
Track nmbr: 07 Album: V.A.: MontfortR5 - borderless connections Released by: Montfort Records Release/catalogue number: Mont050 Release date: September 21, 2012 Free download of the album (link probably not working) |
Boyss - Out of hell (vocal version)
Boyss & Lucky Flaush - Sex In Train
Track nmbr: 13
Released by: AmaCreedO Records "11"
Release/catalogue number: ACREC013
Release date: June 29, 2012
(the compilation of independent electronic music)
AmaCreedO Records "11"
Free download link for the whole compilation (mp3 192 kbps):!4KJfTN1U/amacreedo-records-time-when-the-rain-stopped-acrec0013-rar
More about the compilation TIME WHEN THE RAIN STOPPED:
"This year's compilation enriched to 18 artists from 12 countries around the world who
donated to the compilation on 31 unique music tracks.
The compilation is quite fickle genre of electronic music: from very light drone, ambient,
downtempo, trip-hop through, or break breakbeat, dubstep, and to literally dance music
from the world of house, techno, trance, or drumandbass different experiments, and some
explicitly gigging bands (reggae, ska and EBM)."
Track nmbr: 13
Released by: AmaCreedO Records "11"
Release/catalogue number: ACREC013
Release date: June 29, 2012
(the compilation of independent electronic music)
AmaCreedO Records "11"
Free download link for the whole compilation (mp3 192 kbps):!4KJfTN1U/amacreedo-records-time-when-the-rain-stopped-acrec0013-rar
More about the compilation TIME WHEN THE RAIN STOPPED:
"This year's compilation enriched to 18 artists from 12 countries around the world who
donated to the compilation on 31 unique music tracks.
The compilation is quite fickle genre of electronic music: from very light drone, ambient,
downtempo, trip-hop through, or break breakbeat, dubstep, and to literally dance music
from the world of house, techno, trance, or drumandbass different experiments, and some
explicitly gigging bands (reggae, ska and EBM)."